Balancing Act Archives |
August, 2006: Family Snack Smarts |
July, 2006: Cooperative Co-parenting |
June, 2006: Street Proofing Teens 101 |
May, 2006: Harmony is in season: Harmony is in season: Warm Weather Activities To Bring The Family Together |
April, 2006: Caregiving: Sensible Steps To Success |
March, 2006: Healthy Eating In A Fast Food World |
February, 2006: Stress Busters to Stay Lighthearted |
January, 2006: Brain Gain in Life's Later Years |
December, 2005: Holiday Budget Planning |
November, 2005: Combating Childhood Obesity |
October, 2005: Eating Away at Colds and Flu |
September, 2005: Avoiding the Aches of Osteoarthritis |
August, 2005: Growing Older, Eating Wiser |
July, 2005: Nutrition Tips for the Healthiest Summer Ever |
June, 2005: Long-Term Care Facilities/Nursing Homes - How Do I Choose the Right One? |
May, 2005: Nutrition and Your Baby: Introducing solid food to the menu |
April, 2005: When Baby Comes Home For The First Time |
March, 2005: Stepping into the Role of Stepparent |
February, 2005: Pumping Fitness into Your Day |
January, 2005: Remedies for Financial Holiday Hangovers |
December, 2004: Time Out: Making the most of the holidays |
November, 2004: An Ounce of Prevention: Type 2 Diabetes |
October, 2004: Dealing with Peer Pressure |
September, 2004: Long Distance Caregiving |
August, 2004: The ‘Be-tween’ Transition, 2004 |
July, 2004: Easing into summer vacation |
June, 2004: A family-friendly balance for working fathers |
May, 2004: Communication Tips to Help Young Minds Grow |
April, 2004: Tips for Making the Tax Season Less Taxing |
March, 2004: The Dieting Merry-Go-Round |
February, 2004: Keeping Your Financial Future in Check |
January, 2004: Here Comes the Flu |
December, 2003: Communicating with your Teen |
November, 2003: Eating for Energy |
October, 2003: Work-life Balance: Making it Work for You |
September, 2003: The Homework Zone |
August, 2003: Health Hints to Ease Your Family in to the Fall Season |
July, 2003: Stay Alert and Stay Safe - Streetproofing your kids |
June, 2003: Summer Activities for Stay-at-Home Kids |
May, 2003: Helping Older Relatives Stay Active |
April, 2003: Spring-cleaning: For the home, the family, and you |
March, 2003: Choosing a Summer Camp |
February, 2003: Baby couch potatoes: Tearing your kids away from the TV |
January, 2003: Resolution Solutions |
December, 2002: Holiday Stress Blasters |
November, 2002: Beating the Winter Blues |
October, 2002: Making the most of family mealtimes |
September, 2002: Generation Relations |
August 2002: Vacation Relaxation |
July 2002: Swimming Safety |
May 2002: Stuck in the Middle. The Sandwich Generation |
April, 2002: Supporting Your Child's Social Success |
March, 2002: After the Spring Break ... Take a Break For Yourself |
February, 2002: Keep those loving connections alive |
January, 2002: Ringing in a Balanced New Year |
December, 2001: Holiday Safety Tips |
November, 2001: It's Flu Season |
October, 2001: Halloween Safety Tips |
September, 2001: Back to school |
in a Balanced New Year
The new year is a great time to reflect on how we can
bring more balance into our lives. Here are some tips that can help
in your day-to-day quest for balance:
- Review. Sit down with yourself or your partner to
look at your life objectively. Identify where balance is currently
a problem and brainstorm some solutions.
- Examine. What are your goals? Are you getting what
you want and need out of your career? Family life? Leisure time?
Make a 'lifestyle wish list', then work out what you need to
get there.
- Act. Start with small goals that can lead to bigger
ones. (One night course every few months can lead to a degree
you've always wanted. Reading one book on nutrition today can
lead to better health in six months. Searching for a new babysitter
now can lead to more time for yourself or your relationship
every month.)
- Plan. Plan. Plan. Before you go to bed, plan your
morning's routine (breakfast, wardrobe, keys, weather check,
children's needs). Before you leave work, plan your next workday's
priorities. Before you go shopping, plan your weekly meals.
Remember, people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan!
- Relax. Build in time for yourself, your friends and
your family. Set out to mindfully keep stress from building
up. Adopt good habits and new attitudes: breathe deeply, eat
well and exercise, don't sweat the small stuff, keep an open
mind, give unto others, be proud of your accomplishments, make
every day count.
Make Your New Year's Resolutions Work for You!
The type of resolution we set for ourselves is a good indication
of where we want to see changes in our lives. But too often, we're
enthusiastic about making that change in the first few weeks of
a new year, then the resolve fades away. If you're serious about
wanting to make positive changes, you can be successful. Here
are some guidelines that may help:
- Be realistic. Before you set your goals, think about
whether they are really achievable, and what small steps can
be put into place to make them more achievable. Be clear about
what you want to gain out of sticking to the resolution: Is
it a permanent lifestyle change? A temporary modification? A
new attitude or approach?
- Be flexible. Rather than giving up on your resolution
and then being disappointed with yourself, consider making some
adjustments that will help you modify your resolution and stick
to it. For example, consider another method of quitting smoking
if cold turkey's not working for you; arrange to go to the gym
with a friend instead of alone; start your quest again February
1 after more planning.
- Prepare for roadblocks. Think hard about what may get
in your way of success, then plan on how you'll overcome those
challenges. You may not be able to anticipate all the roadblocks,
so also be prepared to note them as they come up and give them
some thought at a later time. Don't feel you need to respond
immediately and successfully to all roadblocks. Take it slowly.
Change is a process.
- Get help. There is such a great deal of information
and support available today that it just doesn't make sense
to try to 'go it alone'. Pick up a book, check out a website,
sign up for a course, join a support group, make an appointment
for counselling, ask a friend to help. Your chances of success
are increased dramatically when you seek out the kind of help
you're most comfortable with. When we connect with others, or
acquire knowledge through others, we're strengthened, and so
is our resolve.
- Listen. Listen to your body, your thoughts, your instincts,
your dreams. In a fast-paced world, it's easy to lose touch
with ourselves and our motivations. Take the time to experience
how you're feeling, how you're reacting to people, places and
things. If it's painful to ALTer your ways or to give something
up, what does the pain mean for you individually? How can it
help you know yourself better? Very often, those who have emerged
through a difficult time (overcoming an addiction, changing
old behaviours) not only feel great pride and a sense of accomplishment,
but feel the experience has made them more confident, secure
and content.
- Keep it Secret or Share? Decide what works best for
you. Is it better to tell everyone about the resolutions you're
planning to make? Or will it be easier for you to keep it personal?
If you choose not to share your plans with others, it doesn't
mean you have to do it alone - it just means you prefer to get
the support you need from outside your circle. Some people find
keeping it to themselves a strengthening experience. Others
feel sharing their goals helps reinforce them. Give it some
thought to help plan for your personal success.
Need more information on parenting? Your Employee Assistance Program
(EAP) can help with a child to elder care resource and referral service
that is geared toward enhancing the quality of family life. Call your
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to see if you are eligible for the
child to elder care resource and referral service at 1 866.468.9461
or 1.800.387.4765.
This newsletter is meant for informational purposes only and may not necessarily represent the views of individual organizations.